Monday, January 5, 2009


Why is generosity so widely spoken of around Christmas and then forgotten? People tend to be more generous with their charitability around Christmas. Maybe they have a bad conscience about all the money spent on (honestly!) ridiculous things? Expensive ridiculous things, I might add. So a bit of the green goes to somebody needy; a person on the street, a Santa collecting for Ethiopia. I think it is usually a spur-on-the-moment thing during shopping. x100Euros in the shoppingmall, some coins for Burundi.
"Generosity elevates us all"
Yes, such an easy way to feel good about yourself. But true generosity doesn't happen only around Christmas, it is there all year around. And it is not always about giving some of your hard-earned cash. Sometimes it is a deed or a thought or time. Next time that old person starts talking to you while you are waiting, don't walk away - stop and listen. That is charity. You might have made his/hers lonely day a little bit brighter. Next time your friend calls you in sadness, stop and listen. Give yourself and everybody else a little bit of time. Take time to experience. Stop and see the smile of gratitude on the lady's face when you helped her with her bag. (Actually, stop and help her with the bag) Stop and see the joy in an old man's face because you gave him a smile. Stop and watch the world around you, show your children how to be charitable by being it yourself. Charitability and kindness is infectious, it carries much further than one simple act, and each simple act creates a never-ending flow of simple acts.

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