Friday, December 12, 2008


I met an Angel today. People have laughed at my Angels so now I will write every time I meet an Angel, just to show you that they are real.
I had parked my car in a parking house and when I went to get it the machine did not accept my ticket. Since this is Luxembourg there is ALWAYS somebody around to help you. So I knocked on the door to the guardians hut. He was clearly irritated and waved me away, pointing to the machine. I told him the machine didn't want to eat my ticket, nor be friendly with me and I really did need to get my car. The guy got really upset and told me to go to the machine.
Again I told him about the unfriendliness of the machine, and how it was upsetting me not to be able to pay my ticket and get my car. Maybe he would be better friends with the machine....seeing as they were - after all - co-workers.
The guy stomped out, red in the face, eyes bulging. He stood really close to me, breathing deeply (not towering exactly since I was wearing heels and he was quite small, but still) and suddenly he smiled and said:
Well, it is my call and I can do exactly as I feel like. And today I feel like......letting you get your car for free. Whereupon he escorted me to my car, kissed my hand and left.

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