Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Astonished and humbly grateful

I had a meeting with somebody this week. A friend / teacher / business associate / advisor. He is a lot of different things to me and I have a deep respect for him as a person and a professional. We have not seen each-other for many years and I have, during the last 5 years, lived in a state of upheaval, change and chaos.
During these years I lost track of myself, where I was going and what my capabilities are. Chaos requires constant change and fast is like a kind of war-time, so into this chaos-zone I stepped and managed to handle it without too much trouble. Except that I lost track of my peace-time zone.
Meeting this man brought me back to myself. He called me smart, brave, pioneer and professional. He helped me to remember where and who I was before chaos set in. I now have a clear view of what I want to accomplish, how to do it and why. It is like finally having a structure that fits. He made me feel good about myself and he showed me a picture of myself that I can very much like and honor. I am astonished because I had so lost track of myself and I am humbly grateful for the greatness this man showed me that I have.

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